Obesity In America Essay

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Among Americans, 3 of 4 people are considered to be overweight or obese. Obesity has become one of the most unnoticed silent killers in America (Dearmon, 2017). Obesity is caused by many things but can often be traced back to a lack of proper foods, lack of exercise/sleep, fast food diets and other health problems. On average, the healthcare system reports $210 billion is spent on medical expenses for obesity (National League of Cities, 2010). Educating Americans is key to lowering the rate of obese Americans in decades to come. Obesity is an excessive amount of accumulation and storage of fat in the body. Obesity is a “known, unknown” health disease many Americans struggle with each day. Americans often put obesity to the side and live life the best they can until daily routines …show more content…

“Obesity results from energy imbalance” (Medical, n.d.). An energy imbalance is when there are more calories taken in then burned in a period of time. Physical activity can balance out the energy by burning any excess calories. Physical activity can also help reduce stress and anxiety (Medical, n.d.). While exercising, your body releases endorphins; these help your body to not feel pain and also trigger a positive feeling similar to morphine. Obesity is different all across the nation. Different regions of the country are known to be more obese than others, some regions are below the national average while others are way above it. According to the State of Obesity, as of 2016, Louisiana had the highest obesity rate of 36.2% and Colorado had the lowest with 20.2% (Segal, Rayburn, & Martin, 2016). On a map, the south shows to be more obese than the rest of the country as a whole. Culture and environment can make a huge impact on which parts of the country are more obese than others. The West shows to be less obese than the rest of the

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