Obesity In America Essay

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In my portfolio project I choose obesity as it is a largest problem in America and in the globe and the rate is rising in developing and mostly in developed countries. Obesity is a term that describe the condition of the health with excess fat or adipose tissue in the body. The obesity is calculated with using a tool called (BMI) body mass index and is classified as having BMI of 30 or over in adult while at or above the 95th percentile in child. (BMI) estimate a fat present in the body of a person taking height and weight into the consideration. In the United State of America, the obesity rate in adult is 35% and children of age 2 to 19 year, the obesity rate is 16.9% (Eckel, 2003). The obesity rate in the Texas is rising rapidly …show more content…

In addition, the symptoms of obesity can be feeling of isolation, breathlessness, snoring, tiredness, sweating, disorder in eating and weight control behaviors, and so on. These issues are also, associated with a range of serious comorbidities, including disorders of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and endocrine system. Further, the obesity can also be genetics and inherited from parents as well as the surrounding community we are living (Bryn, Lauren, A.Birkett, P.Calzo, & Everett, …show more content…

In Texas the rate of obesity is going up and alarming on the Texas economy in addition to its harmful impact on the health and wellness of Texas children and adult. The issue can be prevented by encouraging public in health education, nutrition, physical education and physical activity in Texas schools, child care facilities and communities (Wilson, 2016). Therefore, there are various organization and communities in Texas county that are organizing and creating program and project for the prevention of obesity (Ory, et al.,

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