Obesity In America Essay

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Americans are proud to be number one in many things, but obesity should not be one of them. As of October 2013, the United States has the highest obesity rate in the world at 34%. But this is not a new phenomenon. It has been a problem for years, and obviously people are not changing their ways. If this shocking statistic does not make Americans desire to change their lifestyle, then the government needs to interfere in order to improve the health of the country. I don’t believe that the government should be able to tell us what we can eat; however, I do believe that we should have the option to make healthier choices.

The first step in reducing obesity is education. From a young age, Americans should be educated about making healthy choices. A lot of people think that children can eat whatever they want because they will just burn it off running around and playing. But if you bring up a child with unhealthy habits, these could follow them throughout life. Schools should be required to teach their students about healthy eating in health classes. In addition, schools should be offering nutritious foods for breakfast and lunch. Some say children are not going to eat fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods. But if that was the only option from the first school …show more content…

They can get a quick and inexpensive meal that tastes great. The only problem is that it is filled with preservatives and fat that ruins their health. But when that’s the only thing a person can afford, then what choice do they have? This is where the government needs to step in. Healthy foods can be expensive and time consuming to make. The government should subsidize healthy foods in order to encourage people to eat them. In addition, fast food restaurants should be required to provide healthy options for people who still want quick food. If even with these changes, people continue to eat the greasy foods, then that is their