Obesity In America Essay

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What do you think the number one health issue among children and teens are? You may be surprised learn that it is not drug abuse and smoking. In fact, per the American Heart Association that among children and teens today, childhood obesity is the #1 health concern among parents in the United States, topping drug abuse and smoking. Giving one out of three American kids and teens are overweight or obese. Tripling the percentage of obesity since the 1970s in America. This is the first time in history where kids today are expected to have a lower life expectancy than their parents, due to obesity. (“Why are Americans Obese?”) Harvard defines at their most basic, the words “overweight” and “obesity” are ways to describe having too much body fat. (“Obesity Definition.”) One of the main contributors to obesity is food choices. Diets higher in calories and low in fruit and vegetable are linked with overweight. The role of diet in the U.S. obesity epidemic is major factor, but it’s also complex and has multiple variables. The main issues with diet among children …show more content…

What’s even worse is that junk food is often easier to prepare and more accessible than healthy options, like fruits and vegetables. To meet this challenge, Harvard University school of Public Health recommends restricting the easy access to junk food while making healthy options more available through subsidies, increasing labeling standards and taxing sugary drinks. Schools should also ban all sugary drink and all processed snacks. This will also cut unnecessary expenses that can be used for better nutrition. Schools should also provide a balanced meal for breakfast and lunches to their students that is regulated and meets standards to providing the best nutrition to students. This all can be done by implementing the Let’s Move program, which was launched in 2010 by Michelle Obama, which this project aims to cut obesity rates in

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