Argumentative Essay On Obesity

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Obesity is a ever growing chronic condition in the United States, just last year those of the population aged twenty and older are becoming more overweight with around three-hundred million women and two-hundred million men obese. Not only adults but children are suffering as well, about forty million kids aged 5 and under are overweight. The obesity problem is becoming more dangerous with increased risk for diabetes, heart disease and cancer, it is believed that the millennial generation may be the first to not outlive their parents. In the US fitness is determined by BMI(Body mass index) with a 25 or higher being overweight. Since the 1980's obesity among the population has grown at a alarmingly rapid rate, it's said that around one out five people are now overweight. …show more content…

Corn is used in practically every food product found in major grocie and corner stores, if you don't understand what an ingredient is - read corn. The government since 1995 has paid subsidies over eight billion for corn based sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup and crystalline fructose, because of this our consumption of corn has increased a thousand percent. added sugar is now in eighty percent of gorecity store items, from 1977 to 2000 we have doubled our intake in sugar. In a study to evaluate the potential toxicity of sugar, 43 cocaine addicted lab rats were given a choice of cocaine or sugar water over the course of fifteenth days. 40 out of the 43, chose the sugar

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