Informative Essay: The Issues In American Education

774 Words4 Pages

Richard Barrett
Miss Megan Webster
9th Grade English
May 2018
The Issues in American Education The American education system seems to be the best thing for children, at least for those in the United States. But underneath this web of lies is a horribly grotesque creature. Today’s system of education has changed a lot since its creation, and it hasn’t necessarily changed for the better. Public education has sunk to a level never seen before in its history. And truthfully, private education is really no better. Colleges and universities have problems through the roof, and let’s not forget about special education. Special education causes some very bad problems as well. However, there are some solutions. But before we can fix our education system, we must first educate ourselves with the truth going on in the system behind our backs. Let’s start with the main issue: public education.
1. Public Education
Public education seems like the saving grace in assisting the children of America in their pursuit of knowledge. Sadly, this is not exactly true. Public education is chock-full of problems and items that need tweaking. Plus, when budget cuts are implemented, multiple things are impacted. Also, a lot of classes are cut because of budget cuts. Some of the main classes cut when budget gets low are electives, …show more content…

21st century students are at an increased risk for obesity. (see figure 2) “In the United States, the percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has more than tripled since the 1970s” (“Healthy Schools”). Obesity is caused in part by poor eating and not exercising, but it can also be caused by low esteem, emotional issues, family problems, and other environmental factors. Add in the school environment where bullying occurs, which can cause many of the above environmental factors, and one has a volatile combination which has erupted into a landslide of childhood obesity