American Education Outdated

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Our society is changing day by day, which means that our students are changing as well. However, why hasn’t our education change for our students? Right now, the American education is outdated and needs the change in order to coordinate with the students. During the 1870’s, about 50% of children didn’t get any form of formal education and were instead working to support the economy. A representative of the United States, Horace Mann, wanted education to be public and not limited to anyone, so he promoted public education and put a law requiring children in Massachusetts to attend school. When Massachusetts put up a law requiring children to attend school, other states began to follow suit. Horace Mann modeled the American education after the one in Prussia. This explains why the system is a bit factory like where they discipline their children, have assembly lines, and the model of the classroom itself. Compared to other …show more content…

Our education system isn’t hurting our students and is in fact helping them. Right now, our students are doing fine, so we shouldn't change an education that is benefiting them. In some countries, not everyone is well educated and not everyone is included. For example, children with special needs might not get the same or an education at all. The American public education is free for elementary and high school students and there is no limitation on learning (“Why U.S. Schools”). If we also consider changing based on other countries, then we wouldn't necessarily be changing for the better. The American school system has many benefits, but it isn’t enough to prepare students for the future ahead. Seeing other countries with their changes and their outcomes, shows that we are falling behind. It also isn’t fair for our students to not be learning things needed for the future. Even if it seems like our students are fine, we should really consider their