What's Wrong With American Basic Education Essay

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What’s Wrong with American Basic Education? Education is an essential determinant for a country to be powerful and prosperous. Basic education is even more crucial since it builds the foundation for the country’s future generation. However, there exists some critical issues in the American basic education system, which is known as the K-12 education. Especially in public education, problems such as the plain teaching of math and the unequal chance of learning are very common. In the book Ten Letters (Saslow, 2011), the author describes the unfair chance of taking education in the Na’Dreya’s public school. It is not a special case, the severe issues permeate in the American basic education system. After all, what are the issues and what are directly or indirectly lead to this situation? The first challenge in the K-12 education is that students lack essential abilities dealing with math concepts and problems. In the daily life, math skills have become the step-stones in majority’s paths of achieving success. Especially for those who are …show more content…

U.S. Department of Education claimed that “The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (No Child Left Behind) is a landmark in education reform designed to improve student achievement and change the culture of America's schools.” (U.S. Department of Education, 2005) It aimed to provide the equal opportunity for all students. But does it really make “no child left behind”? In his book Ten Letters, Eli Saslow describes how Na’Dreya has wasted her time in school while waiting for the teacher to keep order of the class (Saslow, 2011). It is seemed that the misbehaved kids are not left behind, thus they got the so-called equal chance of studying in school. But what about the eager kids like Na’Dreya? They couldn’t acquire the adequate knowledge since the time has been spent on waiting for those students who don’t value the