Obesity In America Essay

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Every single day, people witness a lot of men and women of different sizes and are affected by one’s look. How often does it happen that you say that you want to look like a model on a magazine? But it is well known that there are three major groups of people when divided by body mass: underweight, fit and overweight. Unfortunately, the overweight, or, in many cases, obese people, are the most common type in the 21st century. This statement especiallydirectly concerns the United States of America. Many studies, like the Livestrong foundation, show that this is one of the countries with the highest percentage of obese population. Now that obesity is officially stated as one of the major issues of the world, people have started thinking of a …show more content…

The Melbourne Bariatrics Peninsula states that “obese people find it hard to say they love themselves, and are proud of themselves”. This low self-esteem leads the obesity population to the medical illness called depression. According to the research done by the Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, the depression is on the rise in the United States, especially among youth. Unfortunately, this mental condition leads to other global problems, such as the drug and alcohol consumptionsconsummations (HealthLine). Furthermore, obesity is linked with a lot of other diseases and health problems. A research done by Public Health points out that in 2030, when half of the American population is predicted to be obese, there will be around 5 000 000five million cases of heart disease and stroke, 6 000 000six million cases of diabetes and 400 000 cases of cancer. Studies show how diabetes cases in the United States increase every single year and how thirteen years ago, in 2005, the percentage of this illness mostly spread in the USA was 4-7.9%. Today, however, all the states excluding only four of them have 8-11.9% of their population suffering from diabetes, when ten of these states have 12-15.9% of the citizens diagnosed with the disease (the State of Obesity). With the rate of health problems being increased, Public Health states that today’s children will be “the first generation with a lower life expancity than their

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