Obesity In America Essay

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The new normal that is unhealthy eating has taken its toll. The unhealthy eating fad that has become the United States is not a problem that has just begun, believe it or not, it has been going on for years. The damage is done and finding a solution is vital. Obesity in the United States is a steady health issue that comes with many effects.
Obesity is defined as those with a body mass index (BMI) exceeding 30 (Levy 54). Obesity rates today are higher among middle-aged adults with 49 to 59-year-olds holding steady at 41%. The 60 years of age and older follow, carrying at 38.5%. The 20 to 39 age group brings up the rear with 34.3% (“Obesity Rates by Age Group”). As of today, Louisiana has the highest adult obesity rate at 36.2% while Colorado has the lowest at 20.2%. Adult obesity rates have now exceeded 35% in four states, 30% in 25 states, and are above 20% in all states (“Adult Obesity in the United States”). To understand the effects we must take a look at the causes. …show more content…

Begin to plan meal times and be sure that they are consistent. If a child comes home from school at four o’clock and gets an afternoon snack but dinner is ready at five o'clock, they’re snack then becomes a part of their meal. It is better to give them a break and plan to eat dinner around six o’clock or six thirty. The extensive use of “treats” has become an issue. It is okay to reward your child for good behavior but be sure to limit the number of sugary snacks they consume. Growing up, I was always taught to “clean the plate,” however, this is no longer encouraged. Your child knows when he/she is full, do not force them to eat if they do not wish to do so. As preventable as these are, there is one cause of childhood obesity that can not be controlled. 45-55% of obesity is genetically determined, however, it can be properly managed by healthy eating and keeping active (“Causes of Childhood

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