Obesity In America Essay

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Obesity is becoming an epidemic in our society (Hill, Wyatt, Reed, & Peters, 2003; Kottke, Wu, & Hoffman, 2003). The percentage of obese people in the United States is increasing and in a survey from 1999 to 2000, the percentage of obese people in the United States was 33.5 percent . (Ogden, CL, Carroll, MD). Over the past few years, obesity rates in the United states increased significantly, today more than one-third of Americans are either overweight or obese. It’s common among all people; men, women and children. Obesity can cause many serious health problems that can be fatal. Obesity is a result of the combination of genetics, both DNA and mental health issues, and lifestyle.

There are many lifestyle factors that contribute to becoming obese. Poor eating habits, lack of psychical activity, and genetics are all factors that can increase obesity. Many people aren’t interested in exercising or being active, they spend most of their days indoors, watching tv, wasting their time using the computers and consuming on unhealthy snacks, sodas, and fast foods, which causes them to become obese. On the other hand, …show more content…

Many people who happen to be overweight and/or obese end up with serious health problems. Diabetes, heart diseases, and bone and joint problems are some of the risks. Diabetes is becoming more and more common in the United State due to obesity. “People who are overweight or have obesity have added pressure on their body's ability to use insulin to properly control blood sugar levels, and are therefore more likely to develop diabetes.” (Obesity Society). Around 90 percent of people who have type 2 diabetes are either overweight or obese. High blood pressure is more common in obese adults since they have higher heart rates. “Weight plays an important role in joint stress, so when people are very overweight, it puts stress on their joints, especially their weight-bearing joints, like the knees and the hips,” (Eric Matteson,

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