Obesity In America Essay

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The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 1999-2002 survey) determined that approximately 65% of the U.S. adult population was either obese or overweight. This survey also indicated that an estimated 16% of children between the ages of 6 and 19 years are overweight. And, there is no doubt that obesity is on the rise in our country!

Why the upwards trend in obesity? As most of us are aware, Americans have fallen prey to high-fat, high-sugar, high-calorie diets (common in fast food restaurants). We’re typically eating way-y-y more calories each day than we need for our lifestyles! (But, oh! Those ‘comfort’ foods sure taste good and temporarily soothe our psyches, don’t they?!)

Let’s face it, though! If we constantly consume more calories than we burn, most likely we’ll eventually put on some extra weight!

Ironically, Americans often go through spurts of trying one fad diet after another or …show more content…

Just remember that it is the saturated fats—fats that come primarily from animals (red meats, eggs, and dairy products), as well as from certain plants (such as coconut and palm oils)—that should be eaten in moderation.

Eating excessive amounts of saturated fats over a period of time has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and cancer of the breast, prostate, and colon.

On the other hand, unsaturated fats are thought to be less likely associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, and obesity. Unsaturated fats include monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are primarily vegetable derivatives. Included among these fats are peanut oil, canola oil, and olive oil. Polyunsaturated fats include some fats from vegetable sources, as well as fats derived from fish. Among polyunsaturated fats are safflower and corn oils. These provide Omega-6 fats. We get Omega-3 fats from fish

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