Obesity In America

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“Would a person like fries with that today?” is a commonly used phrase a person will hear when they go to a fast food restaurant. It is extremely difficult to eat healthy in the United States for various reasons and that is possibly the leading causes of obesity in this society. From the prices of healthy foods, judgement people in the gyms, and portion sizes given in restaurants, obesity is almost impossible to avoid. Being smart is the best possible way of preventing a person from being obese and changing the mind, and lives, of others. Education is the best possible method to prevent obesity and change the statistics of over-weight people. The obesity rate in America right now for adults is 34.9 percent and the children rate is 16.9 percent. That means that over a third of the adult population in the United States is obese and one in every twelve children are also obese. How can people look at these statistics and not want to flip these around? This life is not made to be wheelchair ridden or filled with disease. Half of all the diseases would go away if people would just turn all these bad situations around and take care of their bodies. Gym memberships should be way cheaper and the prices on healthy foods should go way down, then obesity would be solved. …show more content…

But when they receive the menus and look at the prices, it is only human nature to order something cheaper than normal. The price for a salad at McDonalds is around four dollars and fifty-nine cents without a drink or side item. However, the price for a cheeseburger, French fries, and a Coca-Cola is around three dollars and seventy-nine cents, which is way cheaper than the alternative healthy option above. So the price difference for someone who cannot afford the expensive option is too much. In order to stop the obesity rate from going up, these prices need to