Structured Observation In Nursing

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10. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH INTRODUCTION Structured observation is used to document specific behaviours, actions, and events. Structured observation involves using formal instruments and protocols that indicate what to observe, how long to observe it, and how to record information. The challenge of structured observation lies in the formulation of a system for accurately categorizing and recording observations. Observations are usually done for a specific amount of time, and the amount of time is standardized across participants. Observational sampling concerns the selection of behaviours (or conversational segments) to be observed, not the selection of participants. Observational methods are particularly valuable for gathering data about infant …show more content…

They are not biased and they do not rely on statements and guesswork. Subjective observations are reported by the patient and are just as important as objective observations, except they are not measurable. The nurses need to know when patients have complaints such as those listed above; the nurse can assess the patient and determine what course of treatment or intervention is needed. CNA’s cannot pass judgment on these statements. Nursing, perhaps more than any other health care profession, claims caring as fundamental to its practice. Professional vigilance is the essence of caring in nursing. This article uses historical and theoretical bases to define professional vigilance and discuss its components. Two types of nursing diagnoses, central and surveillance, are proposed. Central diagnoses indicate the need for the nurse to plan and implement interventions for the achievement of outcomes. North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA)-approved diagnoses fall in this category. Surveillance diagnoses are those that recognize patient risks that are anticipated by the nurse, who remains ready to act in the event of occurrence. The profession, as a whole, and language developers, in particular, need to expand standardized nursing diagnosis terminology so that the contribution of nurses ' vigilance to patient safety may be effectively communicated and …show more content…

We therefore conducted a survey by questionnaire among trained nurses in one health district of their everyday ward practice and attitudes to clinical observations. This showed that whilst a majority of nurses questioned believe in the importance of routine observations for patient care, there is a lack of consistency in the criteria and communication procedures used that must seriously limit the value of the information obtained by the individual nurse. We believe that uncritical faith in routine observations is a barrier to rationalizing procedures to optimize efficient use of the professional skills of ward nurses in this regard. There is need for more thought to be given to the problem and in particular it is important that doctors play a more active role in decision