Objectives Of Medication Administration

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PRIMARY AIM OF THE PATIENT MEDICATION POST BASIC NURSE PROGRAMME To enhance the skills and knowledge of the nurse to promote leadership and excellence. As it relates to the patient medication programme this curriculum aims to develop students’ role in accountability and be inform nurses of the proper use of medication administration to patients.
PRINCIPAL GOALS OF THE PATIENT MEDICATION POST BASIC NURSE PROGRAMME To provide nurses with an opportunity to implement best practice standards in medication administration, and to be able to evaluate and manage care given to patients.
OBJECTIVE OF THE OF THE PATIENT MEDICATION POST BASIC NURSE PROGRAMME This curriculum for patient medication programme is intended for use by registered nurses. It is designed to ensure Registered Nurses exercises professional judgment and should provide support when making clinical decision making.
At the end of the programme the learner must be able to:
1. Demonstrate safety in the administration of medications within the nursing practice.
2. Identify appropriate nursing actions/clinical judgments related to safe medication administration.
3. Demonstrate the effective use of Documentation and Communication skills in administering medications.
Conceptual Framework for the Post Basic Nursing Patient Medication Programme

Figure 1. Conceptual frame work image.

The conceptual framework represents