Homelessness And How It Led Us To Our Research Question

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Our Observations Homelessness is a very outstanding problem in this community, its easily and often seen. There are certain observations that we have made to lead us to our research topic for this project. Those include regularly seeing homeless people on the streets and/or vacant areas, wanting to know more about how they got there, news and other media reporting on the homeless, wanting to know how to help and what others are doing to help. How It Led Us to Our Research Question
These observations led us to our research question because we knew that almost everything is affected by the economy, for example taxes,wages, jobs available, etc. Also, that the local government plays a crucial role in the community and has high capability to We wanted to figure out how homelessness is specifically affected by the economy, and how the local government can help out the community. For example, why is it so hard for able …show more content…

If we were to put this into a ratio it would be:
Amount of money being put into building or improving upon shelters: Amount of money being put into arresting the homelessness for being in unsafe abandoned buildings
Once the amount of money being put into building or improving upon shelters becomes more than amount of money being put into arresting the homelessness for being in unsafe abandoned buildings then we’ll know our “solution is working.

Case Study Methodology and Homeless Research http://www.iiisci.org/journal/CV$/sci/pdfs/iIR969FM.pdf Question: How do different homeless shelters cause influence residents?
Hypothesis: Different shelters with better furniture may create a sense of self worth for an individual.

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