Obstacles Affecting The Physical Development Of Preschool Children

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To parents the toddler years seem never to end with the frustrated meltdowns and toilet training. One-day parents wake up to a running, sentence speaking, joke telling, and question asking preschooler. Early Childhood is the years before a child starts kindergarten, and some of the most critical years for learning. Preschoolers slow down developmentally in physical size and weight growing compared to the toddler years. The brain development continues to grow at a rapid pace and the two hemispheres start working together. An example understands language and emotions together.

During the ages of four to six a child becomes more coordinated. He can throw and kick a ball, ride a trike, walk backwards, hop on one foot, and continuing to build on the skills learned as a toddler. Preschool children’s gross motor skills are being affected by the growing trend of less physical activity in the classroom and more academic work. They need the opportunity to run, jump, and play to learn to coordinate movements together. Fine motor skills will evolve with improvement of hand-eye coordination. Children will start to be able to cut out basic shapes/lines, draw pictures that start to resemble the object with details, and write basic letters or symbols. Preschoolers will be able to start completely dressing themselves with the ability to button and zip clothing. …show more content…

Questions become abundant as a child tries to piece together their world. Over the course of this time period a child begins to draw more inferences, become more perspective, recognizes symbols, and has an expanding working memory. The conscious is starting to have a greater impact on actions, along with the understanding of