Occupation Vs Occupation Essay

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Due to the various cases of controversy attached to the meaning of a community, there arises the need to make it clear for people to understand it more from a non-geographical perspective. It is believed to be a good move to take, given that the community has a lot to offer, but few people take the initiative of adopting it. Additionally, occupation is a very concrete feature that provides meaning to every aspect of a community. Therefore, both occupation and the community have a lot in common. It is right to say that the two intertwine and hence, allowing them to influence each other. Occupational therapists have tried to understand the community as well as make it better by offering every individual a chance to realize what he or she can do the best. They have helped people understand how they can use their passion to make their living conditions better. This paper will address various literature concerning occupation as well as the community, how they intertwine as well as how OT’s have managed to elaborate them for easier understanding (Wilcox, 2001).
Review the past and present occupational therapy literature related to understanding meaning and purpose in occupation
Occupation is a process rather than an activity. After …show more content…

According to him, community is not a particular place that people coincide for no reasons, but rather it is organic, and hence, it keeps on changing over time as well as trying to adapt to the new amendments of the environment. Freie (1998) sees the community as an organic structure formed by people who jointly build connections, as well as respect. Also, individuals in a community share common beliefs, routines as well as rituals, keeping community firm and hence, giving everyone a chance to celebrate every aspect of life (Daly, 1996). However, the understanding that occupational therapy profession had about the community in the past is shallow and never