Ocean Water Pollution Essay

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Ocean waters need a break… you may be asking yourself why, well the trash that we create is harming the oceans. It is disgusting to know how much plastic we as humans really use. In 2001 an average human used on average 223 pounds of plastics (Weiss) and that poundage is going up each year. This problem is throughout the whole world. The trash that we as humans make isn’t making it into the trashcan is finding its way into the ocean and harming other organisms. Eventually the harm that we are doing to the environment will affect us human because it will travel up the food chain and we will be getting the foreign substances into our bodies.(Lang) The way we live now will affect us in the future. This is an ongoing problem that isn’t going to …show more content…

Is it that hard to walk to the recycling bin and throw your plastic bottles, bags, plastic wrap, etc into the recycling bin? NO! Instead of walking to the trash can walk to the recycling bin and toss it in there. Only about three to five percent of all plastics are recycled (Lang) which isn’t that much if you think about that. Not all the litter in the ocean is plastic but ninety percent is plastic.(Weiss) Most of the plastics we use sink to the bottom of the ocean floor and stay there and the the animals that survive on the ocean floor are consuming the plastics and are being harmed because of it. (Barron) If the animals are being harmed then we will eventually be harmed as well because the animal that is being harmed will get eaten and then that organism will be harmed and so on and so on, until it gets to us and then we will be harmed because we aren't recycling and taking care of the plastics we are using. John Klavitter did a study on birds and he got a bird that had died and did a study on it and when he opened the bird a yellowish sack fell out (the stomach) and then he looked into the bird's body and saw multiple bottle caps of many different colors.(Weiss) The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is one of the five major garbage patches in the ocean. (Moore) The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is located in the northern part of the Pacific