Auto Mechanics Lab Report

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Purpose: To determine the prevalence of ocular conditions among auto mechanics at ‘Suame –Magazine’ area in the Kumasi metropolis.
Methods: A cross- sectional study across five randomly chosen zones of auto mechanics was carried out. A hundred and fifty (150) auto mechanics aged between 20 and 60 years were sampled for the study. History taken from participants included participants’ demographics, ocular and occupational history. Ocular examination included ophthalmoscopy and visual acuity, refraction, cover tests. Diagnoses were made on the presence of a condition(s) in either or both eyes. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 was used to analyze data collected. Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s Chi Square test were employed.
Results: Out of the 150 respondents, 85.3% were males and …show more content…

The eye conditions detected among the auto mechanics are similar to what have been reported among subjects who work in occupational set ups similar to that of these auto mechanics. The intense sunny conditions in which most of them work, possible exposure to pathogens and minute foreign bodies, grease and dirty oils could account for the higher prevalence of conjunctivitis among these workers. The highly prevalent conditions found among the auto mechanics have etiological bearing with the conditions present at the garages. Eye diseases detected were largely those of the anterior segment of the eye and a few others those of the posterior segment of the eye. Other ocular conditions were refractive errors and not necessarily eyes diseases. The various oculo - visual symptoms reported: teary eyes, itchy eyes and burning sensation, may be due to frequent exposures to allergens in the

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