The cystic lesions that affect the oral and maxillofacial region are predominantly odontogenic in origin. The odontogenic cell rests entangled within tissue of the jaws such as cell rests of Malassez, cell rests of serre and enamel organ leads to its formation . The factors leading to the enlargement of these jaw cysts are increased permeability of cyst wall , increased protein content of the cyst fluid ,and when the intracystic fluid pressure on the jaw bone is increased. This review is an attempt to analyse and compare the components of cystic fluid like Albumin, Prealbumin, Globulin,Total protein content among various odontogenic cysts.
Keywords: Odontogenic cysts, Odontogenic cyst fluid, Total protein content, Albumin, Prealbumin.
The odontogenic cystic lesions include inflammatory cysts like radicular cyst, developmental cysts like dentigerous cysts and benign tumors like keratocystic odontogenic tumor which was previously called odontogenic keratocyst. Clinical and radiologic indices are often inadequate to discriminate reliably among these
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Radicular cysts comprise of about 52% to 68% of all cysts affecting the human jaws. 1,4 Non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium 6-20 cell layers thick sometimes even 50 layers thick . The epithelial linings may be proliferating and show arcading Pattern with an intense associated inflammatory process . The inflammatory cell infiltrate in the proliferating epithelial linings is predominantly PMN leukocytes where as the adjacent fibrous capsule is infiltrated mainly by chronic inflammatory cells. Rushton bodies are seen in the epithelial lining characterized by a glassy pink (hyalinised appearance)in approximately 10% of the radicular cysts. These hyaline bodies are believed to be due to previous hemorrhage within the inflamed cyst