Essay On Being A Dental Hygienist

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anyone’s capability to stay safe and to follow procedures as they are taught to avoid any legal situations that could easily happen. Being a dental hygienist and knowing the anatomy of the teeth is very crucial. When operating on a patient’s teeth, knowing where to poke and to operate on should be at the top of the hygienist knowledge. The anatomy of a tooth is divided up between three major parts. The crown, the neck and the root of a tooth. The crown of a tooth is the top part, the only exposed main part. Enamel which is the hardest substance inside the human body, covers the whole crown. Usually there is a yellow-white color area that happens to be very sensitive, that would be the neck of a tooth, it protects the nerves (Collins). The main part in a mouth that gets the most infections is the small 2mm space that is in between the tooth and the gums, that is known as the gingival sulcus (Collins). When woking inside of a patents mouth the anantomy of the human moth will come in handy, …show more content…

Not knowing the anatomy and which tooth is which, could get any hygenist in a lot of troble. The naatomy of the mouth is very complex, the average adult humman mouth has 32 teeth. Each humman being only has two sets of teeth once they are gone, they are gone forever. Becoming a dental hygenist is going to take some time and practice making sure handling the patients is at the top of the learning triangle, being able to connect with a patient will help them over come any fear they might have about the dentist office. By having nurvous patients, the work day could be filled with un-expected surprises.always make sure the patients are comfortable in the work enviroment, never do anything to make

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