Odysseus As An Epic Hero In Homer's Odyssey

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In the book Odyssey Odysseus is portrayed as epic hero manly. To me he is an epic hero and there are many things in the book to back this claim up. How he is portrayed is he is intelligent, wise, and brave. He has accomplished many journeys of a total of twenty years, some of these journeys may not be big but they impact his life. An epic hero is not just about strength it’s about the mind and how well he or she can use it. Odysseus went to many places and concord them. “Odysseus in one motion strung the bow” (Homer 608). He was the only one that could string the bow and he did it gracefully and swiftly. Some of his journeys helped home learn valuable lessons. “My name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends, everyone called me Nohbdy” (Homer 569). This was smart because Odysseus knew not to give the cyclops his real name. If Odysseus gave the cyclops his real name all of his crew would have been doomed. …show more content…

“Athena disguises Odysseus as a beggar and directs him to the hut of Eumaeus” (Homer 596). Athena helps Odysseus home and to his loved ones. His wife is another significant person because she never dishonors her husband. “ So every day I wove on the great loom, but every night by torchlight I unwove it...” ( Homer 606). Penelope was never able to finish her loom because she was unweaving it and every time she unweaved it it gave Odysseus more time to make it home before she had to marry again. When he does make it home she tests Odysseus to make sure he is not a poser acting like her husband. He also has many characteristics in this book but the main one is that he is a