
Odysseus Vs Beowulf Research Paper

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An epic is a narrative stylized poem that celebrate the deeds of a historical hero. Which is supposed to make the reader, not only, admire the hero, but also make the reader want to make a heretic attempt on the world around them. So when we read the poem of Beowulf and Odysseus we can clearly see their epic hero qualities in their poem, but there is also biblical base in certain points in the poem. That’s exactly what both Beowulf and Odysseus did in their poem, they made the people around around them want to be just like them. Both of those amazon heroes defeated and conquered the obstacles they face and even knew that their god would be on their side.
For 12 years Grendel reeked havoc every night, slaughtering everyone sight at the mead hall. During those 12 year there was only one problem and soon the only solution would come along and be the infamous hero that they have been waiting on. “ That at last in her trouble a trusted hero. Had come for comfort”( Beowulf.424-425). The Queen said that when Beowulf displayed his loyalty to the King by drinking from the same cup as him. Shortly after that Beowulf says that he will fight to the death with Grendel. “ I surely shall do a deed of glory, worthy and earl, or end my days” (Beowulf. 433-434). Showing that he is willing to lay his life on the line to defeat Grendel. They …show more content…

Odysseus faced plenty of obstacles that would make the average man not only give up, but also those defeats would start to define who he is. However, in Odysseus’s case those obstacles just looked like minor bumps in the road, based on the way he overcame them. The way he got himself and his men out of those situations not only showed how he lived throw that ten year journey home but also why he never gave up. After seeing that the last thing had to face was just as bad as the next allowed him to know and believe that would in his

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