Odyssey Research Paper

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I am so sorry to hear of your accident. The messenger just came this morning with the news from Paros, (Pomeroy cover) where you live, that you fell off your chariot earlier this month and hurt your head. It is awful to hear that you cannot remember anything, but it will come back to you soon enough. Until then Mother and Father thought it wise for me to fill you in on what has happened in these past few years, to make sure I retain the information from my studies. A lot has happened in the past one hundred years in Athens, and Greece for that matter. About ninety years ago the ancestor of Plato they say, Solon, reshaped this city. He made it, so every Athenian citizen had the opportunity to be involved in the Athenian system. For example, most were granted the opportunity to …show more content…

Which is ironic because around sixty years later in 527, Hippias ruled Athens as a tyrant. Not to fear though, he was chased out of Athens by Cleomenes and Sparta in 510 (Pomeroy 132). And we proudly acknowledge that we have not had one since Hippias, and to make sure that Athens stays a democratic polis a man named Cleisthenes was granted some power to make changes. Seven years ago, Cleisthenes made some more changes on top of Solon’s. The changes that Cleisthenes made however are what made Athens a Democracy. He broke up the power of the rich families, like ourselves, and divided Athens into tribes almost, giving each region power (Pomeroy 133). For example, he divided Attica into three geographical regions which are further divided into ten sub regions. Each of these regions hold a prytaneis in where each of the members perform services (Pomeroy 136). Now I figured I would share what my daily routine is. If I was writing this a year ago, I would have started off my day with going to school, where I learned to read, write, play the lyre and read Homer’s