Of Mice And Men Relationship Between George And Lennie

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In the story Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie are best friends. They have been friends since they were young and did everything together. George was Lennies protector like when he got into trouble in Weed for touching a girl but he was only trying to feel her dress.
They had to leave and begin a new start at the ranch. George and Lennie have a relationship like Candy and his dog. In ways they are alike. Just as Candy killed his dog, George killed Lennie and it was not right. In Of Mice and Men George and Lennie start as best friends. At the beginning of the story George holds Lennies bus ticket because he knows he's gonna lose it. He didn't think he could keep up with it. Later when they first get to the ranch he tells him not to speak because he thinks he is gonna mess up and say something wrong. George said "What you gonna say tomorrow when the boss asks you questions?" and then Lennie said "I.... I ain’t gonna.... say a word." That shows that George doesn't trust him talking and wants him to let him talk and stay quiet. He also tells Lennie look …show more content…

In the story Candy and his dog are companions. Candy had his dog for a long time just like how Lennie and George have been together for a long time. Just like how George and Lennie have been traveling together Candy looks to his dog because he is lonely. At the ranch they look at the dog as a burden because in the story they say “That dog of Candy's is so God damn old he can't hardly walk. Stinks like hell, too.” They also look as lennie as a burden because he is mentally challenged. They all also want to own their own land but their dreams don't come true. All of them also experience loneliness because Candy is the only old man on the ranch and people dont talk to Lennie too much because he is mentally challenged and George because he has to take care of Lennie. That's why they look to each other for companionship and