
Of Mice And Men Similarities Between George And Lennie

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In the 1930’s Steinbeck had spent many nights at home researching all about the lives of a specific group of people. The important group of people were the migrant workers, especially those who were white. He learned all about them and the life of working on a farm in California. He also looked backed at his own experiences and his life when he was younger. Steinbeck used this knowledge of the life of bindlestiffs and others on the farm, the Spreckels Ranches, and his early life as his inspiration to write one of his best known novellas, Of Mice and Men.
The life of bindlestiffs, who were white migrant workers, and migrant families working on the farm were exceptionally hard, and both were treated the same no matter what the circumstances …show more content…

These two similarities between Steinbeck and George and Lennie are the place where Steinbeck was born and the type of job that Steinbeck had as he was growing up. Steinbeck made a huge connection with the setting of the novella to the place he was born. This place that made such a huge connection was Salinas, California the place of Steinbeck's birth and the setting of Of Mice and Men. (“Steinbeck,John”). Along with his birthplace, another similarity to the setting are the ranches that Steinbeck worked on which are the same ones that Lennie and George work on. Two of Steinbeck’s life experiences made him similar to the characters in Of Mice and Men. The first experience was that he was a kid who often got into trouble. This makes him very similar to Lennie who also got into trouble often and is the reason Lennie and George have to move to locations (“Of Mice and Men”). “Of Mice and Men” mentions, “ Steinbeck left Stanford in 1925 without a degree or prospects for a job” (“Of Mice and Men”). This is to show that Lennie and George are able to make it in the world of hard work without being the smartest people in the entire world (“Of Mice and Men”). Between the events in the life of Steinbeck there are connections that are able to be made between Steinbeck and the lives of Lennie and George in the novella. Some of the events that happened in Steinbeck’s life he was able to easily transfer over into Of Mice and

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