Oilsand Persuasive Essay

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Canada is a hot topic for environmental issues, with it’s natural resources, forests, and the surrounding oceans. A very controversial issue found in Canada, has to do with the Oilsands, which is where an extremely high-carbon process used to extract oilsands deposits, which can be found in Northern Alberta. As stated from Environment Canada, it has been found that because of Oilsand (the oil industry, not just oilsand extracting) and is the largest source releasing greenhouse gases, which is responsible for some of the climate change. They use Oilsand Pipelines to move the extractions and there has been debate about whether or not they are necessary to keep building and using due to climate change, oil spills, and pipeline leaks. President …show more content…

Canada ships out very larger amounts of coal to other countries and places, and the burning of coal continuously has a great effect on the climate change because like from the oilsand, they emit greenhouse gases. It has also been found that it can emit toxic gasses like mercury. To help try and fix that issue, they are slowly trying to stop using so much, lie for an example, Ontario has stopped using most of the coal to generate there electricity. They will however still continue to ship the large amounts out to other countries. This issue impacts everyone around the world, because with the climate change, glaciers are melting causing a rise in water, loss of homes for animals and people, as well as the heat index going up everywhere. It impacts the future because the world has a chance of water overflowing the continents causing many animals and people to lose there homes and lives. The issue of polar bears as well as other arctic animals have the threat of going extinct as there homes melt away. They themes of geography that were covered were, location, because it was about Canada, human-environment interaction, because how it can effect humans and there environment, and movement, due to how the coal and oilsand is traveling around the world to different