
Okay Fo Doug Character Analysis

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Doug displayed friendship throughout the whole book. One way Doug displayed friendship was when Lil went into the hospital. Most kids his age would be terrified to go to a hospital and visit their friend. I know I would be especially if my friend had only a one in four chance of living. That didn’t stop Doug, He went to the hospital and not only did he talk to her, he layed down next to her even with all of the tubes coming in and out of her body because she wanted him next to her. I believe that I have a virtue of friendship. I hang out with people who are all ages. If i’m next to an elderly woman I will probably end up talking with her and she will become my friend. Doug wasn’t like that in the beginning of the book either, as the book progressed he became more open to more friendships like with Otis Bottom or James Russell, even Mrs. Windermere started becoming friends with him. In the end of the book Okay …show more content…

One way he showed his determination and dedication was on page 133. On page 113 he brought the The black backed Gull home to work on it. When he finally got the foot to look right his brother saw it and said ”Can't you even draw a foot right? It looks like it’s underwater.” And Doug was so happy he wanted the foot to look underwater. Even though Doug had really hard time with the foot he kept on drawing it over and over, he kept on trying. Another time He was dedicated was when he made a deal with Mrs. Windermere and if he and Lil played parts in the play they could have two of the paintings to put back in the book. He was very dedicated throughout the book to get back the different pages of the book, he gave a 1st edition book to Mr. Russell in trade for the puffins. In my personal experience I have been dedicated and determined to keep old friends that I’ve almost lost coming to this school. It was hard to keep communicating to my old friends especially with a big schedule like the one I

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