A Review Of Inception: A Textual Analysis Of The Movie Nolan

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There are many great movies that have been made over time. These are films that will withstand the changing world and will always be appealing. Inception, directed by ______ Nolan will be one of those films. This movie makes the audience think and requires their full attention. If they look away for more than a few seconds, they could miss a huge plot point or revealing sentence. There are so many great scenes in this movie and not a single bad one I can think of. That is why I chose to stick with this movie for my paper. It was extremely hard to narrow the great scenes down to only three, but I decided on the three that ended up being lasting on me personally. These three scenes excel in their acting, lighting, and sets. The first scene I …show more content…

The scene begins with Arthur walking out of the room where everyone is dreaming and heads out to distract the subconscious. At the same time Yusuf is trying to escape the subconscious of the first level. Every time Yusuf does something that causes the inner ear to be affected, the second level dream is completely jolted, tilted, and even rotated. This is where the rotating hallway scene comes into play. Arthur is fighting while the entire hallway is being rotated. The scene is done so well, with the camera placement, and the actors ability to move in a moving set. As an audience member it truly appears as though they are crawling all over the ceiling and walls. After doing some research I discover just how much work went into this scene. An entire set had to be suspended in a huge steel contraption that was 8 feet wide and over 100 feet long. Since the hallway had to be rotating, lighting could not be done in a normally, each light fixture had to be placed for a reason. They had Levitt, who plays Arthur, rehearse for two weeks before shooting to become familiar with the set. The climax of this fight scene had to be shot on an entirely different set that was even more complex. Similar to the hallway this entire room rotated as well, just on a much larger scale. This scene was great and one of the best scenes that I have ever had the pleasure to