Old Man And The Sea Analysis

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tn the book Old Man and the Sea, by Earnest Hemmingway, there was an oid man who was a fisherman who lived in a run-down shack by the beach. He went fishing every day to make a living. lt was a task he enjoyed doing but he had very bad luck. On one of these excursions, he went further out to sea than he usually would which allowed for a bigger fish than he could hold onto that drug him farther and farther out to sea. The repetitive instances of bad luck, and the finaljourney described in the book, allowed him to gain in the virtues of patience, bravery, and resourcefulness.

The old man had incredible patience when faced with hardship. Once he waited 85 days in which he did not catch a fish. He endured and did not give up, every day trying again. While at sea with the …show more content…

His patience endured as a means to beat the fish when the fish tired finally.
Along with the pain, he also suffered for those three days without sufficient food or water. He brought water with him and a can of sardines, but they were not sufficient for three days. His hardships never made him defeated.

Bravery was a virtue the old man expressed through his work with always changing sea conditions and the work of fishing. Once he caught the fish, he had to kill it. Since the fish was so big it took a harpoon through the heart to ensure it was dead. Then, after the fish was secured, the old man had to fight off the sharks that were trailing him trying to eat the carcass.
The final act of courage was when the old man reluctantly returned to town and had to face the humiliation of the towns people because he had no fish in his possession due to the sharks' work. He was brave in his choices at every step of the fishing journey.

The old man was a resourcefultype person who could make due with the little he had on hand. One example of his cunning is in the way he found a way to get some sleep while the fish was pulling him. He would put a sackcloth between himsetf and the line the fish