Old Mango Street Case Study

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Introduction: A palo Alto family is suing the city because they feel that their constitutional rights are being violated. The Jisser family the owner of the Buena Vista Mobile home park have decided that they want to the mobile home park but want to keep the land in the family. The city is requiring the jisser family to pay over $8 million in relocation fees as well as requiring them to buy the mobile homes that are on the property. The Jisser family feels that this is a violation of their constitutional property rights. Identified social problem: I believe that the social problem is affordable housing. The reason the Jissers are being required to pay such hefty fees is that most of the tenants are low income families. The Jissers are being required to pay 100% of the rent for a palo alto apartment for one year, moving, loss of investment penalties, as well as buying the homes on their properties at 100% of comparable housing in the area. The amount is to be payed in a lump sum and the Jissers feel that the price is too much while the individuals tenants feel the compensation is to little. Salzman, the Jisser’s lawyer, say this is an issue wher the city has failed both the Jissers as well as the Tenants. …show more content…

The rising cost of housing in the bay area has made affordable housing harder and harder to come about. This is a situation where the city of Palo Alto does not have enough affordable housing to meet the needs of its population. To fix the situation instead of creating additional affordable housing venues is sticking the Jissers with the bill of providing affordable housing. The reason I chose this article is that it shows that the “system” doesn't work neither the Jissers are at fault nor are the tenants. This is a situation where the city of Palo Alto messed up and now are trying to pen the blame on some private