On Indian Removal Speech, And Samuel's Memory

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Writing can change the way people see things. Words have the power to make something horrible seem good, or make an event in history seem very different than how it may have actually gone down. Throughout history, people have used words to empower and destroy people, to showcase something dark in a good light, or to show the darkness of a seemingly good event. One example of this is Andrew Jackson’s, On Indian Removal speech, and Michael Rutledge’s Samuel’s Memory. Both show an event in history in very different lights, showing the world that words have the power to make something into something it’s not. In his speech, Jackson makes the Indian Removal sound like a great idea, why Rutledge shows the horrors that his ancestor and their people had to endure during this horrible period in history. One very obvious difference in the texts is bias. Bias is a very important thing to consider in documents, especially when considering why something bad may be shown in a good light. Andrew Jackson wanted to conquer America, and wanted to gain as much land as possible for, and …show more content…

Bias may change the way a tone sounds, or the experience of something may showcase an entirely different light then to what people were taught. Fear was spread, and sugar coated words romanticized a very horrid event. The darkness of something glorified can be revealed in a few simple words, and the suffering of people can be masked. Andrew Jackson showed the Indian Removal act as something good for the country, why Michael Rutledge showed the true horror of what was hidden and masked over for so long. Showing a different side to a story. Rather or not you agree with Andrew Jackson, or you believe the achingly sad story that Michael Rutledge tells, one thing that can’t be denied is that words certainly have power. And they are not to be used without care, or to be heard without wonder of what the other side to the story may