Cherokee Dbq Essay

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Hundreds of Cherokees were moved from their land by white people for selfish reasons. The Cherokee lived in northern Georgia. The Cherokee were not citizens of the American so they couldn't vote.The didn't have any rights.They had a lot of land and access to the rivers and lakes. Andrew Jackson wanted the land. He promised the people of Georgia to open up the Cherokee land; if they voted for him. Guess how many votes Jackson got? He received 97% of the votes. This is how the trail of tears started. Why were the Cherokee forcefully removed from their land? The three main reasons the Cherokee were forcefully removed from their homeland to the trail of tears are social prejudices, economics and politics. The first reasons the Cherokee were …show more content…

It was called "The Great Father". According to John Ridge, in Document B, refer to Native Americans as horrible. In Document E, President Andrew Jackson stated "What good man would prefer a country covered with forests and ranged [traveled] by a few thousand savages". Document C A portrait of Andrew Jackson, named Great Father, shows Native Americans sitting on his lap and floor as babies, The Republic calls the Cherokees savages. The second reason the Cherokee were forcefully removed from their land was economics. Document D stated, "Wilson Lumpkin, governor between 1831 and 1835, believed that Georgia’s full potential depended upon access to this vast inland market. Lumpkin became an enthusiast for the construction of railroads to link the agricultural heartland of Georgia." The farmers needed water for the crops. They needed access to the Mississippi River for trading. They also wanted to build a railroad. Others felt the same way as Lumpkin. Andrew Jackson said, " to our extensive Republic, studded with cities, towns, and prosperous farms embellished with all the improvements which art can devise or industry execute, occupied by more than 12,000,000 happy people, and filled with all the blessings of liberty, civilization and