Andrew Jackson Indian Removal Act Analysis

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Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States and he was one of the most memorable for his Indian removal act. He was one of the presidents who left the office with lots of effective policy that are criticized by different perspectives. At the beginning of the 1830s Andrew Jackson set the footstep for the expansion of America. The first major piece of legislation that he recommend and got pass was the “Indian Removal Act” of 1830. This act gave the president – Andrew Jackson – the power to forcibly evict all the Indian tribes living on the east part of the Mississippi river. He thought that this is the wise action to do so that people can live freely without any troubles with the Native American tribes. He believed that indian americans are hostile and uncivilized, also there were gold in gerogia and american knew that indians have no use of gold. …show more content…

Unlike the others, cherokee nation tried to face this problem in democratic way. Instead of going on the war path the way their older generation might have done, this generation of cherokee indians took georgia to court. The case got very big and it went to the “United States Supreme Court”. In the harsh winter of 1838 cherokee people were forced to march over a thousands of miles from their home in Georgia to what is now oklahoma. They made the journey with limited supplies and transportation. When they arrived in oklahoma over the forth of the cherokee population had died. The cherokee called this event “Trail Of Tears”. This was the main result of Andrew Jackson’s indian removal