How Did Andrew Jackson Address To Congress On Indian Removal

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Unit 1 Essay How would you feel if someone wanted to remove you from your home? You wouldn’t let that happen right, but what if i said that it was a law that if i wanted to take you and remove you, you had to leave? Well that’s probably how the Indians felt when Andrew Jackson made a speech to congress on “ Indian Removal “. This has a very big impact on our history today, it kinda reminds me of when white people didn’t want any African Americans around, but I am not gonna get into that subject. Now Andrew Jackson went to congress and gave a speech telling the congress we need to remove the indians so we can have room for our own living. Before any calls were made , a few tribes went peacefully , but many resisted this relocation policy. Andrew Jackson was a flagrant man. A lot of the Indians felt as though they were being treated with injustice and it was just plain …show more content…

Different people are described or represented in many ways. So take Andrew Jackson for example. He is what i would say on the wealthy side , he is able to go to congress with this proposal on the remove of indians and it’s completely fine. But if an Indian , also known as a savage was to try and go to congress with the request to remove the white people so they could expand their land , it would be not even thought of right? That is because everything revolves around the social class that is built between the whites and the indians. The white people view the indians as “savages” and instead of trying to see eye to eye with them , they just think they are better than them as humans. But the funny part is the Indians helped the white settlers when they first came to the land, and the indians just wanted peace between the two sides, but all they got in return was an order telling them that they had to leave because the whites needed their land so they can expand their community and further more better their lives and their children’s