On Wasteland Analysis

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“Twenty six percent of children in the United States will witness or experience a traumatic event before they turn four.” In the essay Found Texts the author start with the age of nine and works his way back counter clockwise with the ages he includes and then tell a story of different events that has happened to children at the specific age. The events that happened to the children could have been something good or bad however most of the events in this story are traumatic events. Events that would affect a person childhood and adulthood because they are things that you wouldn’t forget. These event could leave them feeling essentially like a wasteland or leave them empty inside and not know where to turn .Within the text the author uses other …show more content…

Spirituality is most closely recognized with religion. Going through terrible things in your childhood could make feel hopeless about whether there is a god which could lead to affecting your spirituality. When your spirituality is low it could lead you to be bitter and never being happy. Watching one of your parents die is something that no child to see and seeing that will affect them growing up. When my nana died in a sense I was just empty inside and in some ways I still am. People who have been in thought traumatic events could in some ways feel the same way. Feeling spirituality barren could affect someones mood and actions for various reasons mostly because they feel alone. It could also affect how someone perceives you. It can affect how you treat people in your life, if youre not feeling yourself or feeling like no one understands then of course you’re going to have attitudes or in a sense be heartless and don’t care about anyone else as a person or their feelings. This was me a couple years ago but I overcame it and grew from it and its something that you have to take it step by step. It’ll be harder for someone who was molested by a family member or if your on father made you overdose on herein but you will get through it if you really want