One Ad That You Think Is The Most Effective Newspaper Ad

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1. Obtain a section of a newspaper (no longer than one page) that contains numerous recruiting ads. Identify the one ad that you think is the most effective and the one ad that you think is the least effective. Provide your reasoning for each choice. An effective newspaper ad is one that is able to get the attention of qualified candidates. By having a advertisement that tells enough about the job, includes the job title, sets clear expectations, and is attractive, the organization is more likely to get the desired results of applicants. Organization’s want the job postings to attract job seekers that are interested in the organization, while weeding out the unqualified applicants. The organization should have enough information to provide …show more content…

It doesn’t hardly have anything to it just says laborer and to call or apply at their address. The advertisement doesn’t have any sort of job description as to what the job entails. The ad doesn’t tell enough about the job, I don’t know what a laborer consists of. Therefore, how is someone supposed to apply for something they don’t about. There isn’t enough information for the potential job applicant to decide if they would be interested or qualified for the job. There is nothing stating why they would love doing this particular job or working for the company. The potential applicant doesn’t even know what company this is. There are no clear expectations of the job, how much they will work, will they work weekends, etc. For example, there is nothing stated saying what it would take for them to succeed in the position. Overall, this recruitment ad does not seem effective or …show more content…

In their ad they state, “If you are currently working and have been with your employer for at least 1 year consider applying with Spartan Light Metal Products and let’s talk pay!!!” Throughout their ad they mention if you’re here for longer than 6 months the candidate may get a $500 bonus, it seems like they are trying hard to get people to apply. They must have a high turnover rate if they are offering potential bonuses for being at the company for 6 months. They are telling people to quit their jobs and work for them, if they have been working for your current employer for over a

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