One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich Essay

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Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, takes readers through a day in a Soviet gulag. Ivan Denisovich is just an ordinary prisoner in the gulag, but through the story the reader is shown more of Ivan. Throughout the story, Ivan shows many characteristics that set him up as a type of hero to the other prisoners. Ivan Denisovich separates himself as a hero in three ways: his skill, his work ethic, and his honor. To start, Ivan Denisovich’s skills set him up as a hero in the story. During the day, the prisoners in the gulag are forced to work on back breaking projects. During the work, Ivan skillfully takes on each task, and helps to guide the others in their work. “But Shukhov never made a mistake. His bricks were always in line” (Solzhenitsyn 77). Ivan Denisovich is skilled in many trades, making him a valuable man on the job. Another aspect of his skill is shown in his cunning. He has learned how the system works, and uses that for the benefit of himself and his comrades. This is best shown when he swipes two extra bowls of kasha during lunch. “Shukhov left the fourteen bowls he’d …show more content…

Most people in Ivan’s situation would be prone to slack off their forced labor. Ivan, however, gets up early every day so he can be alert and ready for whatever the day holds. At the workplace, Ivan’s work ethic takes center stage. He efficiently puts his skills to whatever task he is assigned, and takes pride in doing a good job. His work ethic is noticed by his comrades, and he is viewed as a leader in the workplace. “‘Don’t wait, leader. Go ahead, you’re needed there.’ (Shukhov usually addressed tiurin, more respectfully, as Andrei Prokofievich, but now, after working like that, he felt equal to the squad leader” (Solzhenitsyn 87-88). He even risks severe punishment to stay late and finish the job. Ivan’s drive to complete his work to the last brick proves his heroic