In the beginning, Yuma was a small town that had nothing but a desert and was known as the Wild West. However, Yuma underwent many historical events in the past making the Yuma we have today. The Yuma Project was one of the major events that changed Yuma, it introduced the plan to irrigate millions of acres around the world with irrigation projects. Irrigation projects would be constructed using government money, but they would not come cheap. Throughout the years, the developers of Yuma had to overcome many challenging floods but with the help of technology, Yuma was able to overcome these challenges and flourish. There were many ways Yuma Arizona was changed by irrigation, without irrigation we wouldn't be able to grow crops, and sustain …show more content…
The colorado river was a big help to irrigation, but often gave problems, the river frequently welled to a current that swept over its banks and flooded land for miles making difficult for irrigators to function. When floods occurred the sediment-laden river clogged the water canals and the Diversion headworks. This would cause the water maintenance and the delivery of water to have problems making it difficult for irrigation to function properly. The heavy floods would often leave a disaster, damaging the head works, buildings, and levees. Building new ones or even repairing them would often cost a lot of money. Low floods were also a challenge Yuma had to face, these low floods would cause many difficulties for irrigation water and land. Without irrigation water,crops would instantly wither and die, so water diversions had to be made. In 1904 a flood happens leaving four miles of the canal filled with silt. When the flood retreated the silt left on the canal caused a problem and which not enough water couldn't go through the diversion works for irrigation and this needed to be fixed. So the bypass channel dredged to get all the silt out and get the diversion works running …show more content…
Technology in these days was known as canals, steamboats, telegraph, damps and irrigators were all known as technology, and they were used to improve agricultural in Yuma .lots of technology was used in order to get irrigation water to thousands of countries. In order to transport water to thousands of countries, lots of canals and irrigation pipes had to be constructed in order to deliver the water from the colorado river to the canals. The irrigation tubes would then take water from the canals that were constructed and irrigate the acres. Technology also had a huge impact on agriculture in Yuma because many of these new technologies presented new methods of applying water to crops. Farmers were able to irrigate crops using different kinds of methods, these methods farmers used was able to use help increase crop production. The new methods were called drip, and sprinkler irrigation. Subbing up a field with water was replaced with the new sprinkler method because the sprinkler method was more efficient than the other method. The sprinkler method was more effective because it helps the seeds germinate in heat and helped produce crops faster. The replacement of the sprinkler method resulted in less water being required for the establishment of crops. Another way technology had an impact on the success of agriculture in yuma was the creation of the steamboat.The invention of the