The Pros And Cons Of Yuma

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The Effects of the Yuma Project and other Purchases

Projects such as the Yuma project, greatly influenced the everyday life of citizens around the yuma and imperial areas. Considering improvements in irrigation greatly helped with funding for the entire area as well as allowing for farmers to water their crops more easily. But it would also make trading goods through riverways a lot more harder or not possible at all. As well as although the different projects leveled a lot of land for irrigation to be set.

Irrigation changed the south western part of Arizona by the way of increasing our knowledge for agriculture which would help grow our crops in which would return with a massive surplus of funding . The total buyout by wellton, Mohawk irrigation …show more content…

Much of the positives of the Yuma project resulted in allowing for the further development and advancements of irrigation as well as helping farmers obtain their crops. With this the Yuma project had prepared as much as 59,450 acres for irrigation. The Yuma Project also resulted in the construction of the Yuma Desalting Plant in lasting from the 1970’s to 1992. But this plant would only be used to train people how to use a plant like that. Many people such as Taxpayers and Environmentalists opposed against the plant being built. Part of the Yuma Project was the construction of the Laguna Dam, which helped in slowing down the consistency of flooding in the area. But it also stopped Steam boats from making their way up the river to ship goods. With the further use of the Yuma Project made way for increase of income for farmers and the overall funding of the city. Within a year of creating more land for irrigation about $37 million of the $66 million investment was paid back within the first year. Total population of farms went as high as 5,100 in 1920 but slowly decreased down to 2,700 in 1989. The creation of Dams helped in stopping the more dangerous sediment from hurting the flow of the water. Sediment became one of the main problems with the construction of dams within the Yuma project. Which can clog waterways that can give filtered drinking water as well as harming the wildlife within the water. It can also cause for the water to be dirty and as well as affect the cost of filtered water by increasing it. Another positive that the Yuma Project made was that it had offered to give hydroelectric power which better powered all of Yuma. The Yuma Project also positively affected Yuma by creating a grid of canals throughout the county of Yuma and Imperial areas. This would assist farmers and as well as any native known tribes wishing to get water easily to use