Online Harassment Papers

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Bullying and harassment can have a negative impact on a person's life in various ways. A specific way where they are used and can affect a person's life is through social media. Studies and surveys have shown that anyone from men, women, to young adults can experience online harassment, others being more likely. People who have experienced online harassment have expressed how serious the consequences are for a person's well-being. Most victims have stated that harassment damages their self-esteem, prevents them from being social, and makes a person question their own existence. Often times people may think that the Internet is a place where an individual can threaten or insult another without consequences. Whether or not people are intentionally …show more content…

Many peers know when they are harassing someone online, however they may not always understand that they are a part of a much serious issue and causing serious harm to another person. A tragic case involving social media harassment and bullying is the Megan Meier story. Megan was a thirteen year old girl excited about a handsome teenage boy named Josh, who had suddenly messaged her. Even though Megan was unable to hear or see him because of the excuses he made, she was smitten. Megan battled with depression and weight issues. Aside from having issues and being in therapy, she was still an easygoing teen. The conversations between her and Josh lasted several months to the point where Megan would say she's in love. Then, on a Sunday in October 2006, Megan received a message from Josh saying he did not want to be friends with her because he heard she was not nice to her friends. Megan was confused and was questioning him, in which he responded with hateful messages. He then started posting those hateful messages publicly, in which other peers had started to join in. In return Megan started firing back, but her mother did not agree that, that was the best decision. Megan felt as if everyone was against her, so she went upstairs to her bedroom. The very next day, Megans mother found her hanging in her closet. Six weeks later, it becomes known that the parents of Megan's on and off again friend from across the street, were the ones who created the Josh account. The girls parents just wanted everyone to laugh at Megan, however it resulted in her death. No criminal charges were filed against the family or any participant, partly because there were no laws to criminalize these types of behaviors. Many people disagree that committing suicide is the way to go because they believe that it is selfish. However, according to the Megan Meier Foundation, Megan’s Story, Ron, Megan's dad states, “It was Megan's choice to do