Physical Evidence: The Murder Of Jonbenet Ramsey

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Based on the facts in the case, it would be difficult to determine her killer, eventhough physical evidence was found, the killer is unknown to this day. In the student’s opinion, it is impossible to pinpoint who the actual killer, but suspicions lead to her brother Burke Ramsey. However, the physical evidence also led to the parents also. This case was speculated to have had many errors and was mishandled by some legal authorities. There physical evidence was apparent none which led to who committed this murder. In fact, Dr John Meyer, the coroner was unable to determine her time of death, however, he was later criticized for only spending 10 minutes with her body.
JonBenet Ramsey was murdered in the home where she lived with her father, mother and brother. “Ramsey’s body was found on Dec. 26, 1996 just hours after Patsy called the police to say that her daughter was missing and that she had found a ransom note, asking for $118,000 for the safe return of JonBenet” (International Business, 2013, January 28). Hours after her mother, Patsy Ramsey had called 911 to report a ransom note. John Ramsey’s found his daughter’s body covered with a blanket in the basement of their home. He carried her body upstairs, where someone covered the body with a …show more content…

Police took hair and blood samples from members of the Ramsey family. From the beginning of the case, there was a disagreement between the office of the Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter and the Boulder Police Department about the focus of the investigation. The DA formed a prosecution task force that included a forensic expert and a retired homicide detective. Their findings in the investigation pointed to an intruder as the perpetrator which conflicted with the theory that someone in the family was responsible for Jon Benet’s

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