The Case Of Jonbenet Ramsey

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JonBenet Ramsey Case On the morning of December 29th, 1996, Patsy Ramsey got dressed and went downstairs to start getting prepared for the day. What she was not prepared for was the ransom note that was left for her at the bottom of the stairs. JonBenet Ramsey, Patsy’s six-year-old daughter and, had been kidnapped. The note said that if Patsy and the rest of her family did not listen and do what was on the note then JonBenet would be killed. The abductors wanted a ransom of 118,000 dollars, the Ramseys’ were not allowed to contact anyone, including the police, and that they were going to call the house in a few hours to collect their money. Patsy disregarded what the note said and called the police to report a kidnapping. Not even 8 hours …show more content…

Rigor Mortis had set in showing that JonBenet was killed anywhere between 10pm the night before and 5am the day that she was found. When she was first found she had duct tape covering her mouth, a garrote around her neck, and it appeared that she had been hit in the head with a hard object. Not only had she been tied up, but it also appeared that she had been sexually assaulted. There was DNA evidence taken from her underwear and examined; it did not match with any of the suspects. In an article called The Death of JonBenet: A Case That’s Captivated The Country For 20 Years by Jean Casarez, she says the autopsy revealed that, “JonBenet's cause of death was suffocation in conjunction with forcible trauma to her skull,” (CNN). The object that was used to hit JonBenet over the head was never found, but there are a few theories about it. One theory is that the night before, JonBenet stole some of Burke’s snack and he got angry. So angry that he took a heavy duty flashlight and hit her hard enough to fracture her skull. After JonBenet was found to be unconscious or dead, Patsy and John tried to cover up what Burke had done. This theory is plausible, because the garrote that was used was part of one of Patsy’s broken paintbrushes, there was a heavy duty flashlight that was seen on the Ramsey’s counter, and the ransom note and its draft were from one of Patsy’s note pads. Not only those things, but Burke was …show more content…

The most famous theories have to do with the family, more specifically Burke Ramsey. There is no way of knowing for sure if he did it or not, but if he did, how could this have been prevented? One theory is Developmental Crime Prevention; it focuses on the major risk factors that could lead to criminal acts. Some examples are parental training, social skills training, and bullying support. Burke was the first born child, but he was moved out of the picture when JonBenet was born. She was a child beauty queen who won a lot of pageants. Patsy and John were probably focusing more of their attention on her, and Burke was jealous. Not only that, but he was living in JonBenet’s shadow, which probably did not help the situation. Burke was very reserved and was into computer technology as Judith Phillips mentions in The Case of: JonBenet Ramsey; if he was a reserved child then that means he might not have had the best social skills and maybe he was being bullied at school. All of this could have been building up, and one night just snapped. By focusing on development in children this would not have happened. The case of JonBenet Ramsey has captivated the nation for over twenty years, and it is one of the most famous mysteries out there. Even with all of the evidence that was found, nobody has been charged with the murder of JonBenet Ramsey. There are many theories as to what had happened;