Summary: The Murder Of Jonbenet Ramsey

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JonBenet Ramsey was murdered on Christmas day she was only six-year-old. In like a normal families night time routine the Ramsey’s went put their children to bed than the mother Patsy Ramsey randomly woke up and walked to the kitchen where she found ransom note. The ransom note was about two in a half pages long anf it did say that the criminals wanted one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars for JonBenet Ramsey. The ransom note stated that she would be exchanged for the money the very next day and if they didn’t go by the not JonBenet was going to be killed. When several minutes past then the police arrived which they didn’t accurately secure the crime scene although; a investigator that had arrive to the scene should have gathered and collected the evidence but didn’t happened until later. The police had not searched the house for JonBenet until John the father of JonBenet discovered his six-year-old daughter in the basement of their house under a white blanket. JonBenet had been sexually assaulted, her hands were tied above her head and her mouth was taped shut. She …show more content…

The first thing to be examined is the broken window in Ramsey’s playroom. Then the body of JonBenet Ramsey was discovered in a wine cellar in the basement also discovered by the body was a Barbie nightgown with the victim’s blood on it as well as a baseball bat and rope in a paper bag found in different areas of the house. Mrs. Ramsey found the ransom note by on the kitchen stairway of their home which indicated that JonBenet Ramsey had been kidnapped. Therefore, Mr. Ramsey had to pay withdrew one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars from his account if he didn’t do so the kidnappers would kill JonBenet Ramsey. JonBenet Ramsey was strangled and suffered a blow to the right side of her

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