Only A Game Muslim Footprint By Arwa

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Belonging is a crucial part of your well-being as a person. Everyone needs to belong and wants to feel welcomed, known, included, supported, and connected. Everyone deserves to feel a strong sense of belonging and a genuine affinity to something in this world. After reading ‘Only a Game, Muslim Footprint, and Half a Creature From the Sea,’ it’s clear that there's no way to live without feeling a positive sense of belonging, connections, and support. We need to feel this acceptance to flourish and feel like we are and can contribute to our world. This may be at school, work, your sports club, or within your friendship groups and family. These stories show that a sense of belonging is what we desire in the many different scenarios we find ourselves. …show more content…

In this short story, Arwa does this by leaving a pathway for following Muslim girls at her secondary school. The short story ‘Muslim Footprint’ by Arwa Abousamra displayed her own experience of unfulfillment when she had no sense of belonging in a new country and society where she had to change her own beliefs for fear of not being accepted in a country where her religion and country of origin were vastly unknown. Arwa tells us that she didn’t feel a sense of belonging for a long time at her school and in her local community until she decided to wear her hijab again and embrace her Muslim culture. This was due to Arwa’s new friend Abbey making her feel proud and seen for the first time in Australia. Abbey and Arwa have had many struggles when trying to find a quiet place to pray, often sneaking into classrooms. This sense of belonging gives Arwa the confidence to voice her opinions to create a change at her school. Arwa shows us how much happier she is by making a positive change to have an allocated prayer room at her school. The Muslim students at her school now have a voice and a place to belong. Arwa loves showing her other classmates what Muslim prayer involves and has paved the way for other Muslims at her school to have a path to follow and to feel a sense of belonging and safety. The purpose of this short story is to show how much happier you are not changing your beliefs for fear of not fitting in and that you can voice your opinion to make a difference so everyone