Explain Maslow's Hierarchy Of Belonging Needs

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A sense of belonging is a basic human need, just like the need for food and shelter. Without belonging one cannot identify themselves as clearly thus having difficulties communicating with and relating to their surroundings . Roy Baumeister and Mark leary argue that belongingness is such a fundamental human motivation that we feel severe consequences of not belonging if it wasn't so fundamental then lack of belonging wouldn't have such dire consequences on us this desire is so universal that need to belong found across all cultures and different types of people. Abraham Maslow suggested that the need to belong was a major source of human motivation he thought that it was one of the five needs in his hierarchy of needs along with physiological needs safety esteem and self actualisation these needs are arranged on a hierarchy and must be satisfied in order after physiological and safety needs are met an individual can then work on meeting the need to belong and to be loved according to Maslow if the first two needs are not met then an individual cannot completely love someone else other theories …show more content…

In the history of mankind, social people were far more likely to survive than lonely people. WHY?Because people helped one another to ensure their survival by:
a.) Hunting together to capture large prey which would have been impossible for one human to hunt alone
b.) Delegating community jobs, enabling division of labour, it was typical for the women to cook the fresh kills from a hunt, freeing up the males to collect more food for the community. This saved time and allowed more food to be gathered and therefore secured longer survival.
c.) Reciprocity of helping one another build shelter meant that the task was done with speed and easily
U might have heard the idiom d.) Safety in numbers which meant that together, people protected one another and were able to save one another.
2.) development