Oobleck Density Lab

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In this lab, density was discussed and was the main topic of the lab. Density is how much of a substance is in a given volume. The purpose of this lab was to see how density changes in solutions at different temperatures, in this case, Oobleck, a non-newtonian fluid.
The hypothesis of this lab was: if you change the temperature of oobleck, then its density will change as well as its state of being.
The lab started out with the creation oobleck. To create oobleck, you will use twenty grams of cornstarch to twenty grams of water (measure with a electric balance), vigorously stirred in a beaker. Once the oobleck is created, measure its total mass, as this will be the control. To do this, subtract the beakers mass before and after the oobleck was created Then, place it in a environment near freezing. Leave the oobleck in it for …show more content…

For the density of oobleck at each temperature are as follows: 11.1g/ml at 0 degrees celsius, 1.31g/ml at room temperature, 1.3g/ml at 50 degrees celsius, and 2.4g/ml at 100 degrees celsius. The appearance and state of being of the oobleck changed in response to the temperatures as well. At room temperature, the oobleck looked like traditional oobleck and behaved like a non-newtonian fluid typically does, but at freezing became a solid that was similar to weak concrete in hardness, and had an off white-grey color. The oobleck was similar to the appearance of traditional at 50 degrees, but it began to develop a weird smell. At 100 degrees celsius, the oobleck was no longer a non-newtonian fluid, but became a gel-type solid, and had a coffee brown color, but was translucent. The cornstarch began to burn, which produced smoke, and is what also perhaps changed the color of the

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