
Oodgeroo Noonuccal's Poem 'We Are Going'

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Indigenous people are the keepers of the land and have it unsettled on for approximately 60,000 years. They wish to have a wonderful future where the Aboriginal people are known for their intelligence and are honored for their culture. The poem “We Are Going” was written in 1964 by Oodgeroo Noonuccal who is a poet. Oodgeroo Noonuccal is trying to tell the reader that the world would have been better if the white people had not taken anything from the Aboriginal people because they had everything like religion, people, food etc. The poet in this poem is in depression and despair. It is clear that Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s poem “We Are Going” is giving a message to the reader that if something does not change then the Indigenous culture will be lost forever. The poem ‘We are going’ has multiple repetitions in it. The words “We Are” have been repeated 9 times in the poem at the start of the sentence, for example “We are the lightning bolt …show more content…

Like the line ‘We are the corroboree and the bora ground’ This line means that the Indigenous people own the bora grounds, and it is rightfully theirs. Every metaphor that has been made by Oodgeroo Noonuccal presents the value of reinforcement, the beauty, and the power of the Aboriginal Australian community. With metaphors the poet sent his message to the reader that the Indigenous people want to get everything that is taken away from them by the white men. The poet has used similes in the poem to describe two things. Similes like “Where now the many white men hurry about like ants” The poet is trying to describe that, white man run and work much like ants. This simile compares two things white men and the ants. The poet likes to share her amazing ideas with the reader so they can understand and visualize what was happening in the poem. Oodgeroo Noonuccal uses so many poetic devices to share her message that she wants freedom and the right to get back what is

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