Operation Anaconda Pros And Cons

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In March 2002, the infamous first extensive Army combat operation during Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Anaconda took place. Operation Anaconda initially was planned as a light combat mission to occur over the course of three-days with the intent of finally locating and defeating the enemy (Taliban and al Qaeda forces). However, as the operation was set into motion planning and execution issues began to arise, and last-minute adjustments had to be made (Headquarters, Dept. of the Army , 2012). The mission that was expected to last for a total of three days turned into a triumphant yet intense seven-day battle despite the numerous downfalls and was officially declared complete seventeen days from the from the beginning of the battle (March …show more content…

Which leads to the third principle, provide a clear commanders intent, the shared understanding and dialogue between the commander and his subordinates should give clear and concise guidance regarding the purpose, key tasks, the five w’s (who, what, when, and why), resources, and limitations which give the staff and soldiers on all echelons to turn plans into actions (Headquarters, Dept. of the Army , …show more content…

During Operation Anaconda all six mission command principles were present and the mission was deemed successful regardless of the deficiencies found within the mission command structure. The first principle, building team cohesiveness, Operation Anaconda displayed this principle or lack thereof due to the command structure being multiheaded instead of the unity of the command being lead by one single senior officer with the appropriate amount of staff and components under them to accomplish the